Setting the Highest Standards

Ports are as potentially hazardous today as they have always been. That’s why we continue to invest heavily in our health and safety training and culture and work tirelessly to ensure that incidents do not happen.

To ensure safety at all times across our sites we take the right precautions and measures. This includes minimising hazards and risks by following stringent health and safety protocols and practices.


Developing our Health and Safety Culture

Health and safety starts with the people operating at our sites, which is why we developed a culture across Peel Ports Group which promotes integrity, honesty and personal responsibility and relies on constant learning and development.

We know that accidents are preventable. In order to challenge thinking that assumes otherwise we have applied a fresh approach which understands that the only way is the safe way.


Always Learning

We provide regular Group-wide training and development to improve our health and safety, practices including a comprehensive H&S induction training for all new starts; and monthly leadership training programmes which allow people from all sections of the business to see and feel what best practice looks like.

Investing in Safety

For safety to remain front and centre, we must focus on constantly learning and growing, and providing opportunities for everyone to do the same. As an ambitious port operator, we also understand that commercial performance depends on how safely we operate.

Our group-wide safety initiative, Safety 365, ensures greater visibility and consistency across the business. We also host our annual Health and Safety Conference for our people to continuously learn, feedback and improve on their own performance.

Recognising our Success

We are particularly proud of the progress that has been made in recent years, which has cemented our position as an industry leader set on driving for the highest safety standards.

We are proud to be benchmarked as the number one port in the UK for safety, as judged by Port Skills and Safety. We recorded the lowest rate of significant injuries measured by lost time incidents (LTIs) in 2020/21.

Further Information

Health & Safety at Peel Ports

At Peel Ports, safety is our top priority. We are committed to ensuring the well-being of our staff, contractors, and visitors, with the goal of ensuring that everyone returns home safely at the end of each day.  

Hear from Group CEO, Claudio Veritiero and Group EHS Director, Chris Ingham, on the critical importance safety has within Peel Ports Group. 









Please note, filming for the video did not take place in an operational area.