Port of Ardrossan

New notice to mariners

Notices here added in the past 10 days. To view all LIVE notice to mariners for this port location, please visit the ‘View Notices’ tab below.

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We would love to talk about how we could work together.

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We would love to talk about how we could work together.

Important Notice to Mariners

Latest Notices(0)
Previous Notices(19)
AHC NTM Index 2024 (3)(125KB)AHC NTM 01 24 Cancellation Of AHC Notices To Mariners Published During 2023(171KB)AHC NTM 02 24 General Directions Pilotage(349KB)AHC NTM 03 24 Ardrossan Irish Berth(112KB)AHC NTM 05 24 Ardrossan Hydrographic Survey(144KB)SNTM 01 V2 Contact Details Clyde Marine Managers(123KB)SNTM 02 V1 Passage Planning(110KB)SNTM 03 V1 Testing Of Machinery Controls(93KB)SNTM 04 V1 Incident Reporting And Navigational Aids Defects(107KB)SNTM 05 V2 Use Of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems(125KB)SNTM 06 V1 Towage Operations(158KB)SNTM 07 V1 Diving(131KB)SNTM 08 V1 Port Waste Reception Facilities(108KB)SNTM 09 V1 Leisure Craft(181KB)SNTM 10 V1 Major Sailing Events(89KB)SNTM 11 V1 Fishing(215KB)SNTM 12 V1 Pilot Ladder Safety(103KB)SNTM 13 V1 Local Port Service(116KB)Ardrossan Harbour Revision Order Purpose And Effect Note(14KB)

Important notice to mariners.

Notices to Mariners(19)
AHC NTM Index 2024 (3)(125KB)AHC NTM 01 24 Cancellation Of AHC Notices To Mariners Published During 2023(171KB)AHC NTM 02 24 General Directions Pilotage(349KB)AHC NTM 03 24 Ardrossan Irish Berth(112KB)AHC NTM 05 24 Ardrossan Hydrographic Survey(144KB)SNTM 01 V2 Contact Details Clyde Marine Managers(123KB)SNTM 02 V1 Passage Planning(110KB)SNTM 03 V1 Testing Of Machinery Controls(93KB)SNTM 04 V1 Incident Reporting And Navigational Aids Defects(107KB)SNTM 05 V2 Use Of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems(125KB)SNTM 06 V1 Towage Operations(158KB)SNTM 07 V1 Diving(131KB)SNTM 08 V1 Port Waste Reception Facilities(108KB)SNTM 09 V1 Leisure Craft(181KB)SNTM 10 V1 Major Sailing Events(89KB)SNTM 11 V1 Fishing(215KB)SNTM 12 V1 Pilot Ladder Safety(103KB)SNTM 13 V1 Local Port Service(116KB)Ardrossan Harbour Revision Order Purpose And Effect Note(14KB)

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions(2)
Group ST03 Group Licence To Use Of Berths Terms Revision April 2024(157KB)Clydeport Operations Limited Terms And Conditions Of Trading 1St April 2024(379KB)

Port Charges

2024 Clydeport Port Charges Ver. 3(606KB)

Safety information.

Safety information(4)
Ardrossan Pmsc Compliance 2021 2024(68KB)Marine Incident Report Form (1)(247KB)PMSC Guidance For Terminals AHCL(35KB)20240111 Clydeport Marine Safety Plan 24 26(227KB)

Service Information

Service information(9)
Clydeport Dive Policy V1 July 2020 (1)(2128KB)Permission To Dive V1 July 2020 (1)(154KB)Permit To Dive V1 July 2020 (1)(181KB)Workboat Registration Form V3 May 2020 (1)(147KB)Workboat Registration Scheme Website Information V1 May 2020 (1)(140KB)AHC Hot Works Form V1(123KB)Ardrossan Harbour Works Consent Application V1(151KB)Ardrossan Bunkering Checklist Jan 21 V1(126KB)Bunkering Notification Ardrossan Jan 21 V1(123KB)

Leisure Information

Leisure Information(3)
MARINE LEISURE EVENTS GUIDANCE FOR ORGANISERS (1)(168KB)Application For Marine Leisure Event V2 Mar 22 (2)(143KB)Leisure Events Calendar V4 2024 5Th April 2024(474KB)

Licences & Forms

Navigation Information

Navigation & Pilot(8)
041. HM1094 1 46 Ardrossan Harbour And Approaches (1)(1168KB)Towage Guidance Matrix For Clydeport Ver14 May 2021(489KB)Towage Guidelines V1 May 2020(377KB)Clydeport Towage Notification Form V4(290KB)2008 Ardrossan Byelaws 2008(2089KB)Ardrossan Harbour Revision Order(14KB)Peel Ports Adaptation The Embarkation And Disembarkation Of Pilots 2023 (1)(8616KB)Ardrossan Tide Tables 2024(71KB)