Customs Clearance

Is your business covered for the end of the delayed transition period in July?

Changes from July 2021: Importing to Great Britain from the EU

From 1 July 2021, those Importers that have chosen to take advantage of the PVA scheme (Postponed VAT Accounting) or delayed declarations, must now arrange declarations and payment of any due import VAT for any arrivals in January.  

Whilst many things will remain the same, it’s important to keep track of your imports and arrange for them to be processed within the 6 months agreed delayed period, a summary of rules are as below

  • When importing to the UK from the EU basic customs requirements now need to be complied with, but traders will have up to six months to submit customs declarations to HMRC for standard goods.
  • While applicable tariffs will need to be paid, most traders will be able to defer payments until the customs declaration has been made, giving them time to adjust to the new requirements.
  • Safety and Security declarations will also not be required on imports for six months for all goods.

What does your business need to consider?

There will be implications from HMRC is your business if it is found to be non-compliant, so your business must be adequately prepared. If you/ your business is taking full advantage of the delayed declarations or/and the PVA scheme, it is important to keep a track of what you have imported and remember to arrange declarations and payment within the agreed timescale. 

Most businesses don’t undertake the customs declarations themselves and instead, opt to use a customs agent.

Here, at Peel Ports Logistics we operate a successful customs clearance service and are equipped to help with all aspects of clearing your goods, regardless of transport mode, import or export.

How can we help?

Our global team of experts can help your business meet the challenges of preparing for Brexit and resolve many of the practical difficulties after the transition period ends – saving you both time and money. We take pride in providing a seamless experience to our customers that includes:

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Safety & Efficiency

Shipments to be customs cleared and delivered to your chosen destination without any delay and in a safe and efficient manner.

Extensive experience

Extensive experience of customs clearance procedures partnered with our transport platform allows us to provide a comprehensive range of services and seamless experience to the benefit of importers, exporters, and freight forwarders alike.

Resolve the Complexities

Shipping your cargo from A to B seamlessly around the world and help you with the complexities of border controls and customs regulations on both sides of the transaction.

Personalised Approach

A personalised, competitive, fast, and efficient service tailored to your needs across all modes of transport including air, rail, land, and sea.

An onward transport solution

An onward transport solution to all UK destinations for our customers. We have our own dedicated transport team who are adept to deliver your cargo anywhere within the UK.